Are you ready to start your Canadian private practice but don’t know how to build it? Are you looking for long-term successful solutions that can work on a tight budget? Are you searching for something else besides joining a group or a subscription plan to help you start private practice?
If any of these questions resonate with you, give this episode a listen. I know what it’s like to want to build your Canadian private practice by hand, your way, and I know that doing anything on a budget is tough. With the lessons I’ve learned along my way into launching my Canadian private practice, I want to help you with yours.
If you’re on the fence about whether you want to start a Canadian private practice right now, you can do it! In this episode, I share with you the 3-in-1 Canadian Private Practice Startup Package that you can use to launch your practice. All answers provided, no questions needed.
As you know I’m all about seeing you succeed in your Canadian private practice, so in the spirit of keeping things real, check out my Tools and Deals page where you can get free access to my online private practice checklist, as well as discount codes and subscriptions specials on EMRs, website builders, and online practice essentials. Visit to claim your discount codes and to get more info!
In This Episode
- The three-in-one package
- Why is it important?
- The benefits
The three-in-one package
‘What I [mean] are the three resources that I think Canadian counsellors need to start a private practice. From my experience, that is a workbook that tells you all about how to start an online Canadian private practice, a Canadian paperwork packet with consent forms … and scripts!’ – Julia Smith
My three-in-one package is a collection of three resources that every Canadian counsellor needs to start a private practice:
- A workbook that explains how to start an online Canadian private practice
- A Canadian paperwork packet with consent forms and practice policies
- Scripts! Phone and email templates so that you know what to say when people inquire about your services
‘[There are] so many different situations where you might not know what to say and having [these] scripts can make it so much easier to get your private practice going and make it professional.’ – Julia Smith
Why is it important?
‘When I started my private practice almost seven years ago, there weren’t any resources for Canadian counsellors. All of the resources were in the states, and a lot of what consultants in the states talk about doesn’t apply to Canadian counsellors.’ – Julia Smith
Additionally, purchasing resources from the United States is also more expensive due to the loonie being worth less in the US. As a new and upcoming private practice owner, you need to save money so that you can launch your practice as affordably as possible.
I wanted to create resources that would benefit new and existing Canadian counsellors because I know what the struggle feels like to have to figure things out on your own and how expensive it can be to start.
If I can help someone else avoid some of that unnecessary stress or hassle, then it’s a worthy cause to pursue!
‘I really wanted to create resources that were Canadian-focused as well as affordable. I also wanted to tailor resources to therapists like myself, that didn’t need a lot of help in doing things once I knew what I needed to do. I just needed the direction … and then I would just go out and do those things!’ – Julia Smith
So, if you like to get things done on your own and you want to save money doing it, this package is for you. I’ve been there, and I collected what I learned from my experience, and I’ve put it together so that you can start your Canadian private practice quickly and affordably!
The benefits
When you purchase the 3-in-1 Canadian Private Practice Startup Package, you will get everything for 50% off!
‘One of the reasons why I’m doing this is because I really want people to have all of those resources. I think the phone scripts, the email scripts,[the paperwork packet], and the workbook are all important factors in your private practice. I really want counsellors to be able to afford to purchase it all so that they can have the best start to their private practice!’ – Julia Smith
With the trilogy, you can get all three; the workbook, the paperwork packet, and the phone and email scripts, for $249 in your usual province – a total 50% discount of their usual price!
‘That’s it! That’s all you need. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on courses or subscriptions. All you need are these three items to start your private practice.’ – Julia Smith
Connect With Me
Resources Mentioned and Useful Links:
Ep 71: Kristi Garrido: Building a Group Play Therapy Practice
Learn more about the tools and deals that I love and use for my Canadian private practice
Article: How to Set Up a Canadian Private Practice Website
Listen to my Canadian private practice journey up until now!
Sign up for my free e-course on How to Start an Online Canadian Private Practice
Jane App (use code FEARLESS for one month free)
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About Julia
Julia Smith, MEd, RCT, CCC is a registered Counselling Therapist who owns a group private practice in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is also the owner of Fearless Practice Consulting and hosts the Fearless Practice podcast. Through the Fearless Practice podcast, she provides invaluable insights and practical advice on starting and growing a successful Canadian private practice. Julia’s wealth of knowledge also extends beyond the podcast, as she provides personalized one-on-one consulting to therapists who are feeling burnt out and overwhelmed with their solo or group private practices. With Julia’s expertise, therapists can confidently navigate the complexities of owning a private practice and find work life – balance.
Julia also has written articles for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy association. You can learn more at